Yoga & Deep Breathing for Better Sleep with Allergies

Yoga and breathing exercises offer a natural, non-pharmaceutical method to manage allergic rhinitis symptoms. I share my personal journey of transformation and better sleep through these practices.

Yoga & Deep Breathing for Better Sleep with Allergies
How to Improve Allergic Rhinitis Sleep with Yoga & Breathing Exercises

I've had allergic rhinitis since I was a child.

I vividly remember having morning sneezing fits and even random sneezing episodes on the school playground. Now, in my mid-30s, I am all too familiar with the sleep disruptions and discomfort it brings.

A few years ago, I received a clinical diagnosis of allergic rhinitis. This was a turning point for me - I decided it was time to proactively manage my condition.

I started incorporating deep breathing exercises into my routine, something I found particularly helpful during bouts of nasal congestion.

While this journey of rediscovery has been challenging, it's also been incredibly rewarding.

In the following sections, I will share with you the yoga poses and breathing exercises that have helped me manage my allergic rhinitis symptoms and sleep better.

Understanding Yoga and Breathing Exercises

Yoga is a holistic mind-body practice that originated in ancient India over 5,000 years ago.

The term 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to unite or integrate'.

This practice, encompassing physical postures (asanas), meditation, and breathing techniques (pranayama), aims to create a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

The health benefits of yoga are extensive and well-documented.

They range from improving strength, flexibility, and posture to reducing stress levels, promoting relaxation, and enhancing mental clarity.

Over time, yoga has evolved into various styles, each offering different intensities and health benefits, making it accessible to individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

Introduction to Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises, or pranayama, form an integral part of yoga.

The word 'pranayama' can be broken down into 'prana', meaning life force or energy, and 'ayama', which refers to control.

Thus, pranayama involves controlling and mastering one's breath, which in turn affects the energy within us.

Breathing exercises serve various purposes.

They help in calming the mind, reducing anxiety, enhancing lung capacity, improving focus, and even controlling blood pressure.

By consciously controlling our breath, we can influence our physical, mental, and emotional states, bringing about overall well-being.

Yoga and Breathing Exercises for Allergic Rhinitis

For individuals with allergic rhinitis, yoga and breathing exercises can prove to be highly beneficial.

Regular practice can help manage and alleviate common symptoms, thanks to yoga's anti-inflammatory effects and the ability of breathing exercises to enhance lung function and clear nasal passages.

Furthermore, yoga and pranayama can also help reduce stress and anxiety, common triggers for allergic rhinitis flare-ups.

By promoting better sleep patterns and overall relaxation, these practices can indirectly aid in better managing allergic rhinitis symptoms, leading to improved sleep quality.

In essence, yoga and breathing exercises could serve as complementary therapies alongside traditional medical treatments for allergic rhinitis.

In the following sections, we'll explore specific yoga poses and breathing exercises that can be particularly beneficial for individuals with allergic rhinitis.

How Yoga Helps with Allergic Rhinitis and Sleep

Yoga, an ancient practice with its roots in Indian philosophy, has become a popular form of exercise worldwide, known for promoting physical and mental well-being.

But beyond the generally understood benefits, yoga can play a significant role in managing allergic rhinitis symptoms and subsequently improving sleep. Here's how:

1) Improving Breathing and Clearing Nasal Passages

Certain yoga poses and practices, particularly pranayama (breathing exercises), can help clear the nasal passages.

Techniques such as 'Alternate Nostril Breathing' (Anulom Vilom) and 'Bellows Breath' (Bhastrika) help cleanse the nostrils, improve airflow, and can even reduce nasal congestion.

2) Reducing Inflammation

Allergic rhinitis is essentially an inflammatory condition. Research suggests that regular yoga practice can help modulate the body's inflammatory response, thus easing allergic rhinitis symptoms.

Yoga for Stress Reduction and Better Sleep

Another crucial aspect of yoga is its role in stress reduction, which indirectly aids in better sleep. Here's why this matters:

1) Stress Management

Stress is a common trigger for allergic rhinitis flare-ups and can also interfere with sleep quality.

Yoga, particularly practices like meditation and gentle yoga poses, are known for their stress-reducing effects. They help to activate the body's relaxation response, calming the mind and lowering stress levels.

2) Promoting Better Sleep

Regular yoga practice can also contribute to better sleep by improving sleep quality and reducing insomnia.

Specific restorative yoga poses can help relax the body, setting the stage for a good night's sleep.

This, in turn, can lead to a decreased need for allergy medications that may interfere with sleep.

3) Regulating Sleep Patterns

Yoga helps regulate sleep patterns by balancing the body's energy levels. It can aid in maintaining a regular sleep schedule, which is crucial for sleep hygiene and managing allergic rhinitis symptoms.

To sum it up, yoga isn't just an exercise; it's a holistic approach to well-being that can help manage allergic rhinitis symptoms and improve sleep quality.

In the next section, we will delve into some specific yoga poses and breathing exercises that you can try.

Starting with Yoga: Poses for Allergic Rhinitis and Better Sleep

Yoga is an extremely flexible practice that can be adapted to each individual's capabilities and needs.

Here, we'll explore a few beginner-friendly yoga poses that may be particularly beneficial for those with allergic rhinitis.

As always, it's important to remember to listen to your body and not push yourself beyond your comfort level.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

This pose is known for opening up the chest, which helps to increase lung capacity and relieve congestion.

  • Step 1: Lie flat on your back with your arms by your sides, palms facing down. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  • Step 2: On an inhale, lift your hips off the floor by pressing into your feet and engaging your glutes. Try to align your hips with your knees and shoulders.
  • Step 3: If comfortable, interlace your fingers beneath your body, straightening your arms and pressing them into the mat for added lift.
  • Step 4: Hold the pose for 5-7 breaths. On an exhale, gently lower your hips back to the floor.

Child's Pose (Balasana)

This restorative pose aids in relaxation and is excellent for calming the mind before sleep.

  • Step 1: Start on your hands and knees. Spread your knees apart while keeping your big toes touching.
  • Step 2: Exhale and rest your buttocks on your heels. Lay your torso down between your thighs so your forehead touches the mat.
  • Step 3: Extend your arms in front of you, palms touching the mat. Alternatively, you can rest your arms alongside your body, palms facing upwards.
  • Step 4: Stay in the pose for as long as comfortable, breathing deeply.

Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This gentle inversion helps to relieve stress, tension, and aids in soothing respiratory discomfort.

  • Step 1: Position yourself so that your right side is against a wall. Sit close to the wall.
  • Step 2: As you exhale, gently swing your legs up onto the wall while keeping your shoulders and head resting lightly on the floor. Your body should form a 90-degree angle with the wall.
  • Step 3: Keep your legs relatively firm, just enough to hold them vertically in place. Relax your arms by your sides, palms facing upwards.
  • Step 4: Close your eyes and breathe deeply, holding the pose for about 5-10 minutes.

Remember, while yoga can offer numerous health benefits, it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new physical routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

Furthermore, it's beneficial to learn the poses under the guidance of a certified yoga instructor to ensure correct posture and technique.

The Power of Breathing: Exercises for Allergic Rhinitis and Better Sleep

The breath, often taken for granted, can be a powerful tool in managing symptoms of allergic rhinitis and promoting better sleep.

Certain breathing exercises can promote nasal clearance and relax the mind, preparing it for restful sleep.

The Connection Between Breathing Exercises and Better Sleep

Breathing exercises are known to lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, and calm the nervous system, all of which can contribute to better sleep.

By helping to clear nasal passages, these exercises can make it easier for individuals with allergic rhinitis to breathe, potentially reducing nighttime symptoms and sleep disruptions.

Easy Breathing Exercises for Better Sleep and Nasal Clearance

Diaphragmatic Breathing (Belly Breathing)

  • Step 1: Sit or lie down comfortably. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.
  • Step 2: Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose. Try to make the hand on your belly rise higher than the one on your chest, which should remain still.
  • Step 3: Exhale slowly through your mouth or nose. The hand on your belly should go down.
  • Step 4: Continue for 5 to 10 minutes at a pace that feels comfortable.

Box Breathing (Four-Square Breathing)

  • Step 1: Sit or lie down comfortably in a quiet space.
  • Step 2: Close your eyes and inhale slowly through your nose to a count of 4.
  • Step 3: Hold your breath for a count of 4.
  • Step 4: Exhale slowly through your mouth to a count of 4.
  • Step 5: Hold your breath again for a count of 4.
  • Step 6: Repeat the cycle for 5 to 10 minutes.

Personal Experience and Advice

In my journey managing allergic rhinitis, I've found that integrating these breathing exercises into my daily routine significantly improves my symptoms and overall well-being.

For example, when I feel my stress levels rising, I can sometimes notice myself unconsciously breathing from my mouth instead of my nose.

Taking a moment to practice deep breathing has been instrumental in correcting this and managing my stress levels.

Of course, everybody is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. I encourage you to try these techniques and see if they help.

Remember, it's crucial to approach this as a gentle practice – there's no need to force or rush. The goal is to cultivate a sense of relaxation that can lead to better sleep and improved management of allergic rhinitis symptoms.

Incorporating Yoga and Breathing Exercises into Your Daily Routine

Integrating yoga and breathing exercises into your everyday life may seem challenging, especially if you lead a busy life.

However, the beauty of these practices is their flexibility; they can be adapted to suit different schedules and lifestyles.

Here are some practical tips and strategies to help you get started:

➡️ Starting Slow

It's important to start slow and set realistic expectations. If you're new to yoga and breathing exercises, try dedicating 10 to 15 minutes a day initially.

As you get more comfortable, gradually increase the time you spend on these practices.

➡️ Creating a Routine

The best way to make these practices a part of your daily life is to incorporate them into your routine.

This could mean doing a quick yoga session in the morning, practicing breathing exercises during your lunch break, or unwinding with a relaxing yoga pose before bed.

➡️ Making Use of Available Resources

There are countless resources available online, from yoga tutorials on YouTube to mobile apps that guide you through breathing exercises.

Utilize these resources to find routines and exercises that suit your preferences and needs.

➡️ Staying Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to yoga and breathing exercises. It might be helpful to schedule a specific time each day for these practices to ensure consistency.

➡️ Adapting to Your Needs

Remember, these practices are flexible. You can modify yoga poses and adjust your breathing exercises according to your comfort and capabilities.

If a particular pose is challenging, look for a simplified version of it.

If a breathing exercise seems too complex, start with something simpler.

➡️ Combining Practices

Yoga and breathing exercises can be combined for a comprehensive mind-body workout.

You could begin your routine with yoga and then transition into breathing exercises for a balanced session.

➡️ Remembering the Purpose

Lastly, always keep in mind why you're incorporating these practices into your routine. Whether it's to manage allergic rhinitis symptoms or improve sleep, reminding yourself of the purpose can keep you motivated.

Remember, everyone's journey is unique. What works for one person might not work for another.

Listen to your body, be patient with yourself, and over time, you'll find a routine that works best for you.

Overcoming Challenges and Sticking to the Routine

Starting a new practice like yoga and breathing exercises can come with its fair share of challenges. But with patience, determination, and a few tips, these challenges can be surmounted.

Here are some common issues beginners might face and some helpful advice:

➡️ Lack of Time

This is often the biggest hurdle when starting a new routine.

Solution? Try breaking your practice into smaller sessions throughout the day.

Even a few minutes of deep breathing or a quick yoga pose can be beneficial.

➡️ Difficulty with Poses

Some yoga poses can seem intimidating at first. Start with simpler poses and gradually progress to more complex ones.

Remember, it's not about perfection but progress.

➡️ Boredom

Doing the same routine every day can become monotonous. Try mixing up your yoga poses and breathing exercises to keep things interesting.

➡️ Lack of Motivation

Some days you might not feel like practicing at all.

For such days, remember the purpose and the benefits. Reflect on the positive impact these practices have on your allergic rhinitis and sleep.

➡️ Feeling Overwhelmed

With so many yoga poses and breathing techniques, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

Start with a few basic exercises, and as you get comfortable, gradually introduce new ones.

➡️ Physical Limitations

Health issues or physical discomfort can make certain yoga poses challenging. Listen to your body, and don't push beyond your comfort level.

Yoga is about harmony between the body and mind.

Remember, everyone's journey with yoga and breathing exercises is unique. It's okay to face challenges and have off days.

The key is to stay committed and remember the end goal - managing your allergic rhinitis and improving your sleep quality.

When and How to Seek Professional Help

Engaging in yoga and breathing exercises for better management of allergic rhinitis and improved sleep can be a transformative journey, but there may come a time when you need professional guidance.

Here's when and how to seek it:

Indications When Professional Guidance Might Be Needed

  1. Difficulty with Techniques: If you're finding it challenging to perform certain yoga poses or breathing exercises correctly despite repeated attempts, it might be time to seek help. A professional can provide personalized instruction to ensure you're doing the techniques correctly and safely.
  2. Lack of Progress: If after a period of regular practice, you're not seeing improvements in your allergic rhinitis symptoms or sleep quality, it might be useful to consult a professional. They could provide insights and refine your practice.
  3. Experiencing Discomfort or Pain: Yoga and breathing exercises should not cause pain. If you experience discomfort during or after your practice, stop and seek professional advice.

Tips on Finding Qualified Yoga Instructors or Health Professionals

  1. Certifications: Look for a yoga instructor who is certified from a recognized yoga institute. A professional certification indicates that the instructor has undergone extensive training.
  2. Specialization: Some instructors might have specialization or experience in using yoga for managing health conditions. Try to find a professional who understands the interplay of yoga, breathing exercises, and allergic rhinitis.
  3. Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Your healthcare provider can often recommend physical therapists, yoga therapists, or other professionals who are experienced in this field.
  4. Online Platforms: Numerous online platforms offer yoga classes tailored for specific needs. Ensure that the platform is reputable and the instructors are well-qualified.

Remember, while yoga and breathing exercises can significantly aid in managing allergic rhinitis and improving sleep, they do not replace the advice of your healthcare provider.

Always consult your healthcare professional before starting any new health practice.


We've traveled quite a distance in this blog post, from understanding what allergic rhinitis is and how it affects sleep to discovering the transformative potential of yoga and breathing exercises for its management.

We've discussed yoga's anti-inflammatory benefits, its effectiveness in reducing stress, and promoting better sleep. We also explored how certain breathing exercises can open up nasal passages, relax our minds, and enhance sleep quality.

Yoga and breathing exercises are not just about managing symptoms, but also about embracing a healthier lifestyle and achieving better sleep, one breath at a time.

Remember, as with any journey, there may be challenges, but with patience, perseverance, and perhaps a little professional guidance, you can navigate your way.

Take that first step today; your path towards better sleep with allergic rhinitis through yoga and breathing exercises is just a breath away.
